Friday, March 13, 2015

"I am as My servant thinks of Me"

you'll never find peace if you put hope to dunya..
but you'll find the peace when you put everything to Allah..
you'll find the peace even you're in trouble..
you'll find the peace even you're alone..
you'll find the peace even you're in sadness..
you'll find the peace even you don't have anything..
because Allah is everything in your heart..
HE'll never disappoint you..
HE'll always be there..
HE'll never left you..
have faith in Allah..

Allah will always with the thought of His servant..

have faith..
have faith..
have faith..

The Prophet (peace be upon him) related to us that Allah says: "I am as My servant thinks of Me. I am with him when he remembers Me. If he mentions Me within himself, I mention him within Myself. If he mentions Me in an assembly, I mention him in a better assembly. If he comes near to Me a handspan, I come near to him the distance of a cubit. If he comes near to Me the distance of a cubit, I come near to him the distance of two outspread arms. If he comes to Me walking, I come to him running." [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (6856) and Sahîh Muslim (4832)]

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Daripada Amirul Mukminin Abu Hafsah, Umar bin al-Khatab r.a. berkata, bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Maksudnya: "Sesungguhnya diterima amal perbuatan itu bergantung kepada niatnya, dan sesungguhnya bagi setiap orang akan mendapat apa yang diniatkannya. Sesiapa yang berhijrah kerana Allah dan Rasul-Nya, dia akan sampai kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Sesiapa yang berhijrah menuju dunia yang akan diperolehinya atau menuju wanita yang hendak dinikahinya, dia akan mendapatkan apa yang diniatkannya."

[ Riwayat al-Bukhari no.1, 54, 2529, 3898, 5070, 6689, 6953, Muslim no.1907, Abu Daud no. 2201, al-Tirmizi no.1646, al-Nasa'i no.1/59-60, VI/158, Ibn Majah no.4227 dan Ahmad no.1/25,43]



